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Exhibition planning  

exhabition 1.png
exhabition 2.png
exhabition 3.png

These are some mood boards for my exhibition that I will be doing, these are some ideas on what my work will be displayed and there may be some tweaks in between on placing my work when it comes to the day. I choses these artists because I love their work, and I like how they have places there work because it’s not too much and it’s not in your face, it's a nice amount so you can look at all the paintings in your own time and not having to look at everything in one go. 


This graph is another was for me to keep on track with my work, also lets me plan my work out in advance.


This is some research I have done towards landscapes and different artists that have doe landscapes in the abstract 


This is my project proposal questions that helped me to make my PP


These are part of my brief to help me understand what I need to get done and it helps me to get in track and focused on what I need to do 

This is my aim towards the end of the project. I want my work to be a one on a kind, someone to go wow at and I will accomplish this by working hard and doing lots of studies 


This is some practice and trying to plan the shapes that I was going to use in the first painting I did working with black and white tones. This was to help with the shapes in the tree get a better view with the light coming through the tree 

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