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I started doing a theme of dreams and nightmares, and two to three weeks in I didn’t like what I was doing as I had no clue what to do, so I changed it to landscapes.

I have responded to my work in a personal way by painting what I love the most, painting landscapes feels like it’s part of me and being in the environment with the wind against my skin and hearing the birds chirp puts me in a mindset of peace and let my mind go free and lets me paint with the heart and not with my head. I have learnt about the global warming and the climate change effects to the rivers and to nature, this project has helped me look at these problems in a different way and helping me understand more on what the planet needs, and it is a big thing and thinking of it being slowly destroyed hurts me in a way and I want my work to help change that.


I have gone to lovely places with good scenery helped me get in the element of being in that environment and get into the right mindset.

I made observational drawings and took photos of the landscapes, using bright coloured oil pastel was to show the vibrancies of nature and to show that I strongly love the countryside and drawing landscapes. What I could have done better in this is to of done more studies of landscapes in different mediums and probably on a different base.


Finally selecting and researching Wells, Elan Valleys for my final piece. I have learnt about the six dams, and they are all man made in the 1980s-1990s and that some on the dams are the main source to provide Birmingham water, further research explained climate change and the global warming effects the landscape and it taught me to look at the place differently.


I wanted to create this work to hold my memories of my visit and to raise awareness of beauty in nature, in the landscape. I have learnt that people litter and cause damage to the environment and potentially kill animals, so I wanted to demonstrate the beauty of nature and its landscapes, I am trying to raise awareness about-not littering, keeping our natural landscapes beautiful and clean and full of life. So, I have identified my audience as landscape lovers.


My final piece/painting I used the artists to gather ideas and learn techniques. I used colour studies, drawing, plans before painting on to canvases to consider the rule of thirds. I wanted my work to have lots of energy and colour to get people to look at it differently, different in a way that they think of we need to change our ways


Exploring my materials helped me to see what I like more and what would look better for an expressive landscape, using oil pastel, acrylic paint, and pencil. I chose acrylic paint; this is my all-time favourite material because I can explore colour and different marks. By using tools, I created a difference energy of my work. A paintbrush is all well and good but using a sponge and bits of cardboard and scraper tools made such a difference in texture, tones and the mark making. It really brings out the expressive energy and the colours differently. I have made a lot of marks in the sky to get the effect of the wind, these tools helped me get good textual mark making to make the painting more interesting to show thick marks and the sponge made good delicate marks for the sky to show the lighter parts,


What I could have done differently Id use more tools to create different marks that I have already had in the painting, also I could have added more texture and more marks in the river and put one or two more colours in the river to bring the colours out more and in the sky.


If I had to change anything about my project it would probably to do realistic works using tone, texture for more details.


I feel like I have indeed developed as a creative practitioner because I have learnt to use different and tools to create different marts in my work.


My personal goals as a creative practitioner are to learn more as an artist to create better quality paintings and learn new techniques, also to sell my paintings to people as a commission artist. this project has helped towards me personal goals as landscapes is what I love to paint landscapes. What I can do to keep moving towards my goal is to keep practicing and I will get there and make the best painting I have ever made.




week 1(02/03/2022)- This week I have done a few things on photoshop. this was a goods way of experiencing different ways to create art work rather than using physical mediums, this gave me a good insight of the digital art world and it was not my best of interest but I might try it with a few pieces of with to mix my work up a little bit. Doing this was fun but, it was not really my thing as I like doing stuff myself and making work myself physically.


Week 2 (07/03/2022)- Today I printed off my photoshop collages to make different ideas for lino, this was good because it made me see how much texture my collages have and it was fun to draw different ideas out. After that I picked one idea and put it onto lino,  then cut the lino and printed it.


week 3 (14/04/2022)- In this week I made my WIX Website and did some looking into my theme that I have picked to do for my FMP. this helped me get an insight to what sort of things that I could do, and look into more. Then I made a mood board on some stuff on my theme to help me gather ideas.


Week 4 (18/04/2022)- This week I have dose some experimental pieces with paint and charcoal. this was part of what medium I want to use for my art work. I have also uploaded stuff to my WIX and sorting out my research.


Week 5 (21/04/2022)- This week I went to London to do primary research for my project. this helped me to get ideas and understanding on what I can do for my work. We went to the National History museum and the design museum. Now I am looking at different artists to do with nightmares, also looking at the Brothers Grimm.


week 6 (04/05/2022)- This week I have have changed my project to landscapes, I feel like this is better for me because this is more my thing and I have work from home to help me with the project. I personally think this is a smart idea as I didn't know what I was really doing and didn't have that many ideas.


Week 7 (25-05-2022)- during half I got some photos and videos of landscapes. this was research for drawing and listening to the wind and listening to other sounds in the video to help me draw. i am going to make some colour studies and start on my canvas 


Week 8 (12-05-2022)- what I will be doing is creating paintings on big A1 canvases to explore the world of paint and expression. exploring different techniques and learning how to use paint to create energy and upload my stuff to WIX. Get drawings from holiday of landscapes in the style of chosen artists.

I have enjoyed making this work because it let me learn different ways to put energy in a painting and letting me experiment with paint. this was effective in my work with all the practice of the observational drawings I did.



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